Friday, December 4, 2009

I catch up with old "friends?!"

It's getting damned hard to get any privacy around here. Ghosts, maids, what have you. Well, at least this guy seems to be enjoying the show. Glad we could entertain him.

I'm going to have to get caught up on my neighborhood spying. I'm missing a lot. Hank Goddard has adjusted to his bachelor lifestyle with a vengeance. There's a steady stream of women in and out of that place lately. I swear to God, one comes out and the next goes in. What are you doing over there, Hank? I hope you're reading them their rights first.

Morgana Wolff was at the concert the other night with little Monika. They sure like to keep that poor kid out late. I don't know about Morgana. She always looks like she smells something bad.

Monika's a little sweetheart, but I wish to god her parents would let her hair grow so she'd look like a girl.

I ran into Wayne Garth, too. He greeted me warmly, but I didn't get a chance to catch up and ask how Tamara was, because all of a sudden the guy starts going off on me. He seems to blame me for the fact that Travis wasn't on his game, and they lost. Jesus Christ! I don't CHAIN the man to the bed. Get a grip.

I draw an interestingly diverse crowd, I've noticed. In case you were wondering, this is what NOT to wear.

I've had nothing good to say about Craig for a very long time now, as my blog readers know. But I still felt sick to my stomach when I heard he'd burned to death in a fire. That's harsh even for a two-faced cheating horny bastard. Yeah, I know. I should learn to say what I really think. Hah.

On the way home the other night, I spied Emma Hatch standing outside the Egon's house. For some reason, she had Cycl0n3's kid with her. Did I mention he actually married Demetria and had a kid? I thought he'd never get married.

She's an exceptionally beautiful child, judging from that quick glimpse. I wonder what she'll look like when she gets hair. I don't suppose I'll ever know, since her parents don't like me. Jerks. What is it about the men in my life? I swear to God, when Travis gets sick of me and decides to move on, he better not be a tool about it, that's all I've got to say.

I haven't spent much time with the Egons lately, but I got to see some recent snapshots of the kids. Kristi, the oldest, is growing up to be quite beautiful. She looks a lot like her mom except for the patented Egon Nose. Look at that expression, though. Jeez, I hope she hasn't inherited her mom's disposition. Maybe it was just one of those bad snapshots. Little Darma's beautiful too, but I think she looks more like her dad.


I was having party withdrawal, so we invited a few friends for a little get-together at the beach. Just a few teammates of Travis's, at least the ones he likes. It was good to see Tamara and Wayne (in a good mood) again, and I got to find out why I haven't seen Tamara around much. She doesn't live with Wayne any more. She and Ran are an item now. I think I introduced them. Awesome! Go me! She's moved in with him and his roommate, Staci Boothe, who once had a fling with Wayne. It's all very Young and the Restless. I need a flow chart.

It was a pretty good party. Everybody was late for practice, but Coach Keaton couldn't bust any balls because he was at the party too. Parker started laying on the compliments, but he skedaddled in a hurry when Travis came over. Haha. Wuss. That's okay. Travis knows what to do when he thinks a man might be getting a little too flirty with his woman. Take her home and remind her just exactly who it is she needs to be getting flirty with.

Travis got promoted to team captain. Even cooler than that, they want him to travel, all expenses paid, to China to study under some famous Chinese athlete. Isn't that awesome? Natch, he's taking me with him. Not like I gave him a choice. Haha! Honestly, can you even picture ME in China? Shocking pink and barefoot? I'll stick out like a sore thumb. How cool is that? LOL. I can hardly wait.


  1. I'm so happy Zayne's back. I was dragging when I arrived home from work and seeing this has made me feel so much better.
    The pics are great. The toddlers are adorable.
    OMG, I'm going to have to put Travis back in my game. He just looks so good in yours. Everyone looks good in yours.
    Laughing at most of this.

    Love the Hank Goddard pic. Looks like she's thinking and just WHAT was SHE doing here.

    I agree, that is what NOT to wear.

  2. To echo Dee, I'm happy Zayne is back! The Wolffs never have kids in my games. Hank Goddard and his revolving door of women. *laughs* He must take a lot of vitamins to keep up his strength.

    Great update!

  3. Great to see Zayne again, my what a busy update!

    In my game Morganna's surname was Thornton. Weird LOL

    LOL @ the revolving door Chrysame, maybe Hank is just innocently giving them self defence classes? 0.O

  4. Dee - Sorry you had a bad day. Zayne is glad she could help. Yes, Travis is hot, isn't he? Just wait 'til you see him in his martial arts clothes - and out of them! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

    Funny thing about the Wolffs. I remember Zayne going to visit them when they had two children. Suddenly they have three, but the new one is OLDER than the other two. Moreover, she has kind of a dotted line in the family tree - but she's shown with normal relationships to the family. I don't know what that means. Goodness knows whether she'll be there next time I look.

    That Hank and his revolving door. LOL. There were more women, but I only posted the one screenshot. I'm hoping for even more weird neighbors; Zayne's life has been too boring lately.

  5. Zayne needs a best girlfriend who can keep up with her. Although I'm not sure any one Sim could keep up with her! Heehee.

    I haven't played all week. It was great seeing these screenies and seeing some Simming fun.

    Go, go Zayne!

  6. Can't wait to see him in those martial arts clothes. I still haven't put him back in my game yet. Still hoping for our sims to get involved with someone. Haven't checked on them lately to know if they have or have not.

    I played and played today.

    It wasn't actually a bad day. It was more a very busy week and I came home with my brain exhausted. Sometimes I think my multi-tasker is just about worn out.

    I love reading about Zayne and her exciting life.

    I saw Zayne in her police uniform today. I would not have recognized her if it wasn't for her pink hair. Took a pic for you.

  7. You know what, Chrysame? You're absolutely right. Zayne needs a girlfriend. That's what I put Tamara in the game for, but although they're friends they don't really hang out much.

    So, what should I do? Push Zayne and Tamara to hang out more? Or put one of the Group sims in? Hmmmmmmm? o.O

  8. I like the idea of Zayne having a female best friend. A pleasant alternative to all the men in her life. Someone she can b***h about all the men to, when she needs to.

    Keep that maid amused by the bed room antics, why don't you? :)

    Love Hanks revolving door.

    Technically, while pink may not be common in China, I suspect that bare feet can be seen fairly regularly. :)

  9. Duh! Haha! Good point about the bare feet.


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